Friday, November 27, 2009

Nathan Lutzky US Passport, page 1 front page

We have Nathan's passport application. He applied for the passport after receiving word that there were 9 relatives in Europe in desparate need of help after living through WWI. The original Yiddish letter asking for help supposedly contained a list of these relatives but the letter did not make into the final application file and the list of relatives (names and ages) did not make it into the partial English translation of the letter (darn it!).

Nathan's grandson Barry gave me this original passport yesterday and it's the first time I've seen this type of document. The other pages have all of the foreign travel stamps & visas. They are also being posted on the blog so I can get help with the translations. This page is in English and I have typed the text below.

To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:
The undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of
America hereby request all whom it may concern to permit
Nathan Lutzky
a citizen of the United States safely and freely to pass and in case
of need to give him all lawful Aid and Protection.
This passport is valid for use only in the following countries
and for objects specified unless amended:
(left side)
France, Switzerland, Italy
Kingdom of Serbs Croates and Slovenes
(right side)
To assist relatives
-------en route-------
The bearer is accompanied by---------------------
Given under my hand and the seal of the Department of State at the
City of Washington the 16th day of December
in the year 1920 and of the Independence of the United States the
one hundred and forty fifth.
Signed Bainbridge Colby
Age 36 years Mouth medium
Height 5ft 7in Chin round
Forehead medium Hair brown
Eyes blue Complexion fair
Nose straight Face oval
Distinguishing marks-----------------
Place of birth Russia
Date of birth December 15th, 1884
Occupation furrier
Signed Nathan Lutzky

See for all pages and translations.

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