Thursday, February 4, 2010

Icko Milner special pass - Brest Ghetto

I found this on the Yad Vashem website. It is a Special Pass (Sonderausweis) issued to Icko Milner (my 1st cousin, twice removed) on Dec. 22 1941. This pass allowed him to cross the railroad tracks to get from the Jewish Quarter (Judenviertel), aka the Brest Ghetto, to his employer Gotto & Szydtowski. His name and the employer's name are in Polish (probably the clerk's signature too). The rest is in German.

This doesn't provide any new information to help my research but it is still interesting. Icko was only 18 years old when the Ghetto was liquidated in Oct. 1942 (if he survived until then).

1 comment:

piesia said...

I think that the company name is probably Szydlowski (Polish has a separate letter than is pronounced (in most dialects) like 'W' in English but looks like an L with a / through it. So it would be pronounced shydWOFFski and transliterated szydlowski.

Good luck with your research!
